North Pole

Joe Keenan is the executive editor of Total Retail. Joe has more than 10 years experience covering the retail industry, and enjoys profiling innovative companies and people in the space.

With the arctic chill sending the nation indoors or, for many, stuck in an interminable layover, how can e-tailers give captive consumers not only what they want, but desperately need through hyperlocal strategies? Hyperlocal is all about understanding consumers’ current location and immediate world/weather around them. With many battling record low temperatures this winter, e-tailers can target geographies and tailor their visitors’ inventory. Kicking off campaigns in real time or even a few days prior delivers a personalized experience, highlighting merchandise related to that specific climate. So how can retailers exercise these strategies, anticipatory or in real time, to make their campaigns relevant?

I have a great example of how mobile/location-based marketing earned a retailer a customer last week. Retail Online Integration hosted its first Retail Roundtable Dinner Event at the super fancy Union League Club in New York City last Thursday. When one of the roundtable panelists showed up to the event in jeans and was denied entrance into the club by Union League staff, plan B quickly sprung into action.

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