Nathan Safran

Nathan Safran

Nathan Safran is Vice President, Research for NAPCO Media. Nathan is a former Forrester Research Analyst with deep experience designing custom research solutions that solve client business problems. Nathan works with the subject matter experts across NAPCO’s brands to design research solutions that leverage NAPCO’s engage audiences and provides deep insight. Nathan is a frequent speaker at industry events and his research has been cited in the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Fortune Magazine.

Why Brand Awareness is Vital for Business Growth

Many organizations believe they have an adequate understanding of how they're perceived in the competitive landscape because they have anecdotal evidence from talking to their customers or loosely collected data in-market. Others deprioritize brand awareness efforts because they don’t fully grasp the potential benefits. In reality, operating without understanding how the market truly perceives you across major customer touchpoints is like trying to cross an ocean without navigation tools.

‘We’re All in it Together’ Attitude Drives Consumer Confidence in COVID-19

Despite the unprecedented challenges retailers are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, their resilience and determination is both impressive and encouraging. As various parts of the country proceed through a phased reopening, retailers are challenged with opening their stores in a safe and efficient manner. As pressured as they may be to reopen…

Content Marketing Connects Brands to Buyers

Danny Sullivan, founding editor of Marketing Land and Search Engine Land, recently tweeted a picture of an old Web Trends CD. Web Trends is the precursor to Google Analytics, and Danny marveled at the old software and its outdated physical disc delivery method. Danny’s nostalgia serves as a good reminder of how far we’ve come in digital marketing in terms of the scope and breadth of data now available to the modern marketer. From web to social to search and beyond, the data and its uses are limited only by the imagination.