A Road to Success
The gregarious Yager returns from his encounter and plops down on a folding chair where he takes a swig of water. “I hug everybody,” he says. “What’s more, I sign all my communications with ‘Hugs.’ And you know what? I get ‘hugs’ back all the time.”
Suddenly the air is shattered by the deep, guttural roar of an engine so loud it makes a Harley-Davidson with straight pipes sound like the electric clock of a Rolls-Royce. Mike and Laurie Yager’s 1968 C3 (third generation) L-88 Corvette that once competed at Le Mans has been fired up for a short drive to the display of historic racing models. All conversation stops until the mind-numbing thunder recedes into the distance. “I turned down an offer of $2 million for that car,” Yager says with obvious relish. “It’s part of the collection in my museum.”
Denny Hatch is the author of six books on marketing and four novels, and is a direct marketing writer, designer and consultant. His latest book is “Write Everything Right!” Visit him at dennyhatch.com.