In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Kristina Stidham and Ashley Chiaradio discuss how private-label products are driving customer loyalty for Sam's Club. Ashley traveled to the Groceryshop conference in Las Vegas earlier this week, and attended a session with Chandra Holt, senior vice president and chief operating officer of Sam’s Club. During her presentation, Holt explained that before she joined Sam’s Club in 2015, the company had 21 private-label brands. She embarked on a plan that narrowed down the number of private-label brands from 21 to one, called Member’s Mark. Holt shared how she promotes Member’s Mark online vs. in-store, and how the two strategies are very different. In stores, retailers have traditionally put private-label goods next to national brands, and as shoppers browse they may chose to purchase the private label due to a lower cost. Online, consumer behavior is to search rather than browse, and Holt said a lot of Sam's Club's customers will search for “Member’s Mark” on the company's website since they know Member’s Mark is Sam’s Club’s-only brand. Even if shoppers search for a product with a generic term, Member’s Mark products usually elevate to the top of the search results because the private-label brand has performed so well. To gain more insights from Chandra Holt, read the full article titled, “Private-Label Products Are Driving Loyalty for Sam's Club.”