Kumar Ramachandran

Kumar Ramachandran

Kumar Ramachandran is the founder and CEO of CloudGenix. CloudGenix makes the Cloud-delivered Branch possible by providing an Autonomous SD-WAN™ and the Cloud-Blades™ platform.

Prior to founding CloudGenix, Kumar was Director of Product Management at Cisco, leading products for the multi-billion dollar branch routing and WAN optimization businesses. Prior to Cisco, Kumar held software and network engineering roles, developing solutions for companies such as Citibank and Providian Financial. Kumar holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, and a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Bombay.

Integrated Technology Backbone Key in Today’s Digital Retail Era

In this era of digital transformation, the customer experience is paramount to the success of retail businesses. This includes personalized offerings, engaging experiences, improved customer support, a more secure environment, and convenience (e.g., ways to shop, pay, make returns, provide feedback). Enabling this type of experience leads to increased brand loyalty that drives differentiation, additional…