In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Joe Keenan and Kristina Stidham discuss Nike's decision to stop selling its merchandise on as part of its push to grow its direct-to-consumer (D-to-C) business. This will allow the sportswear retailer to have full control of the brand experience by selling D-to-C, full access to all customer data, and attain better profit margins. Following Nike's announcement, Total Retail blogger Maria Haggerty wrote further about why brands may be better off not selling their products on Amazon, focusing on how retailers cede the brand experience, from pre-purchase through to post-purchase, to the third-party marketplace. Haggerty notes that Amazon can be a short-term boost to your brand with its massive audience and optimized supply chain, however, it may not be the right channel to build a sustainable business. For more on this topic, check out Maria Haggerty’s blog post, Why Pulling Out of Amazon is the Smartest Decision for Your Brand.

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