In this episode of Retail Right Now, Total Retail's Joe Keenan and Kristina Stidham discuss e-commerce personalization, a topic featured in a recent article published on Total Retail titled, "6 Techniques to Take E-Commerce Personalization to the Next Level," by Kate Pioryshkina of Iflexion. Real-time personalization is important for online retailers for several reasons, one being ever-changing consumer behavior and shoppers’ expectations that brands know them and will provide relevant, personalized experiences. In her article, Pioryshkina shares a few techniques that retailers can implement to improve their e-commerce personalization efforts, such as giving incentives to logged-in users such as first access to new products, special deals and discounts, and an easier/quicker checkout process. The benefit for the retailer is that it’s much easier to capture data from logged-in users that anonymous site visitors. However, retailers shouldn't ignore first-time visitors — their experiences can be personalized as well. For example, track their referral sources (e.g., organic search, paid search, social media, email, etc.), the products they browsed, and the page they exited the site from (e.g., homepage, PDP, category page, checkout page). This information enables brands to offer product recommendations to these shoppers and others like them. To read all six tips from Pioryshkina's article, click here.

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