Many retailers and brands are continuing to find ways to give back and provide support during the coronavirus pandemic. In this video, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Colin McIntosh, founder and CEO of eco-friendly eucalyptus bedding brand Sheets & Giggles, about how the company quickly donated money to emergency relief funds, as well as committed to weekly donations of 20 percent of its gross revenue for the next 30 days to the Colorado COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. McIntosh discusses the launch of the COVID Co-Op, in partnership with The COVID Co-Op is a platform on which participating brands must pledge to donate at least 5 percent of gross revenue from sales that originate from that site to COVID-19 emergency relief funds. Lastly, McIntosh shares what e-commerce shopping trends he's seeing as the crisis develops as well as the lasting effects on consumer shopping behavior he believes will continue after the coronavirus crisis is over.