SLI Systems E-Commerce Performance Indicators and Confidence Report: Q3 2017

What’s driving e-commerce confidence? How are businesses responding? In its quarterly EPIC Report, SLI Systems provides survey findings from hundreds of e-commerce professionals at midsize companies around the globe. The report reveals the following:
- how much online revenue is expected to grow;
- when and how they plan to use artificial intelligence (AI);
- the top initiatives for their online business in Q3;
- revenue growth expectations for the 2017 holiday season; and
- much more!
In Q3 2017, SLI Systems found expectations for increased online revenues steadily increasing year-over-year, brick-and-mortar forecasts upbeat, but geographic expansion plans waning. In addition, many retailers have concrete AI plans for the next 12 months, yet VR/AR, voice-activated apps and virtual buying assistants remain elusive. Lastly, the study found customer experience taking second place among top priorities for the first time — trailing only replatforming as the top initiative in Q3. The full report is available for download.