6 Tools to Keep Your Customer From Breaking Up With You

If you’re lucky enough to have gotten a Dear John letter from one of your customers, consider yourself lucky. Some marketers learn they’ve been dumped when they come home to an empty website.
There are so many reasons why your customer wants to break it off. It’s not them, its you. You didn’t have their size, the website wasn’t loading fast enough, there was no obvious pricing page … the reasons for heartbreak are numerous.
Adding insult to injury, the popular wisdom is that it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to hold onto an old one.
The tools to keep your customers’ hearts include analytics to leverage the vast repositories of transactional, demographic, behavioral and psychographic data to model their customers’ purchase patterns and behavior. This enables them to identify potential churners and their characteristics, time of churn, triggers to churn, impact on revenue and profitability. But they also are smart about how to keep that customer on the site and buying.
The following tools are built with churn in mind, so you never have to feel that heartbreak again.