Bas Bleu

Industry Eye: Tech Talk and Catalogers’ Updates
February 1, 2007

Tech Talk ◊ Find Which Parts of Your Site Don’t Work Customer experience management solutions provider Gomez has launched Actual Experience XF, an on-demand service designed to measure the online customer experience. The product takes into account performance aspects such as download times, abandonment rates and service consistency. Actual Experience XF also measures the differences in retail site performance caused by geographic location, or user-specific parameters, such as browser type, size of browser window, browser cache use, and first-time or repeat visitor status. The solution measures the effect each of these factors has on sales conversion or shopping cart abandonment and lets online merchants figure out

A Niche Found in the South
November 1, 2004

How the catalog began: About 10 years ago, Eleanor Edmondson felt the onset of a mid-life crisis. Her solution? Combine her experience in the direct marketing industry with her love of reading and start a book catalog. While she prepared herself for her new venture, she had lunch with a friend of a friend who owned a bookstore. After some discussion about their shared passion, the two literary ladies parted ways. Several days later, the woman sent her a thank-you card with the following message, “If you can write about books the way you talk about them, you’ll be a success.” These words would