Jeremy Swift

Jeremy Swift

Jeremy Swift is founder and CEO of Cordial. Cordial is a cross-channel messaging platform that is changing the way marketing & technology teams engage their customers. Before founding Cordial in 2014, Jeremy was a founding member of BlueHornet, a first-gen email marketing SaaS company that he sold to Digital River in 2004. He has spoken at leading industry events including DMA, eTail,, OMMA and Mediapost.

Jeremy attended Point Loma Nazarene University and lives in San Diego, CA with his wife and four children. He’s an avid Husband, Dad, Entrepreneur, Runner, and Advocate of Mental Health. His other career ambitions involve supporting anti-human trafficking organizations & creating sustainable work in Africa through the use of technology, as well as helping other entrepreneurs successfully navigate the mental health journey of building a company.

Email Marketing is Meeting the Moment ... and Poised to Transform Again

Email, the longtime workhouse yet sometimes unsung hero of the marketing department, enters 2022 stronger than ever — both in terms of emerging advances in data and technology, as well as its relevance and utilization in the omnichannel tech stack. The sheer volume of the channel is staggering: across the globe, we sent and received…