"Hi, I'm planning to launch an e-commerce site for women's apparel. The price point for the merchandise is between $150 and $500. I know the hardest part is going to be getting the website discovered. Could you give some advice on how to do that?" 
- Dina Agam, Entrepreneur
David Sasson
Social media is continuously being mentioned as the most dominant force in the future of the internet. It started with blogs, followed by MySpace, then Facebook and Twitter, and now the latest craze, Pinterest. Social media is an ever-evolving means of online communication and, as an e-commerce retailer, it's imperative to keep up with the trends. Although recent trends have brought social media closer to e-commerce retailers, for the most part they've been unable to capitalize on the social realm quite yet.
With more consumers than ever planning to visit e-commerce sites in search of holiday gifts, now is the time for e-retailers to gear up in preparation for the year's most lucrative shopping season. Those retailers unprepared for a busy holiday season could lose out on sales, leading to the demise of their company. Clearly it's worth spending time planning for the season.